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Cisco Switches FAQSFAQS

Detailed configuration steps of the three-layer switch

Connect to switch: Use a serial cable to connect the computer’s serial port to the switch’s console port.
Configure the serial end point emulator: Open an end point emulator (e.g. SecureCRT, PuTTY, etc.), select the correct serial port and baud rate, and ensure that it matches the switch’s console port.
Start switch: Send a start command to switch through end point emulator and wait for switch start to complete.
Enter privileged mode: Enter the “enable” command to enter privileged mode.
Enter the global configuration mode: Enter the “configure terminal” command to enter the global configuration mode.
Configure switch hostname: Enter the “hostname [hostname]” command to set the hostname of switch.
Configuration Management Internet Protocol Address: Enter the “interface vlan 1” command to enter the switch’s VLAN 1 interface configuration mode. Then enter the “ip address [Internet Protocol Address] [Subnet Mask]” command to configure a management Internet Protocol Address for the switch.
Configure the default gateway: In the VLAN 1 interface configuration mode, enter the “ip default-gateway [default gateway Internet Protocol Address]” command to configure the default gateway of switch.
Configure static routing: If you need to configure static routing, you can enter the “ip route [destination network] [destination subnet mask] [next hop Internet Protocol Address]” command to configure static routing.
Configure VLAN: Enter the “vlan [VLAN number]” command to create a new VLAN. Then enter the “name [VLAN name]” command to set a name for the VLAN.
Configure port: Enter the “interface [port number]” command to enter the configuration mode of the specified port. Then you can set the mode of the port through the “switchport mode [access/layer 3]” command, and the “switchport access vlan [VLAN number]” command to assign the port to the specified VLAN.
Save configuration: Enter the “write memory” command to save the current configuration to the switch’s flash memory for loading on the next boot.



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