أجهزة الإرسال والاستقبال الضوئية لكل شبكة
تصميمات متوافقة مع معايير الصناعة من سرعات 1G إلى 400G
وحدات الإرسال والاستقبال الضوئية
1G modules | Cost-effective Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) transceivers for Gigabit Ethernet applications |
10G modules | Support a broad range of port types, with modules optimized for the requirements of your 10G applications. |
25G modules | Deploy high-density and low-power SFP28 connectivity for data center and high-performance computing networks applications. |
40G modules | Meet the high-performance connectivity requirements of campus, data center, and cloud deployments. |
50G modules | Implement high-capacity single-lane connectivity for service provider and enterprise access networks and for data center applications. |
100G modules | انشر الاتصال عالي الكثافة ومنخفض الطاقة في مركز البيانات لديك, الحوسبة عالية الأداء, وشبكات مقدمي الخدمة. |
400G modules | Migrate to 400G connectivity, with QSFP-DD modules that provide super-high density and backwards compatibility. |
800G modules | Double your port capacity with QSFP-DD800 while maintaining backward compatibility to lower speed QSFP modules. |
Coherent Optics Modules
QSFP-DD High-Tx Power 400G | Increase the optical transmit power to enable longer reaches and compatibility across high insertion loss systems. |
QSFP-DD ZR and ZR+ | Transmit 400G wavelengths up to 120 km with coherent ZR optics and long-haul transmission with Open ZR+. |
QSFP-DD 100G ZR | Connect point-to-point unamplified links up to 80 km with 100G coherent wavelengths. |
CFP2 400G | Deploy software configurable line rates and modulation schemes for long-reach amplified DWDM systems or dark fiber systems. |
CFP2 400G BiDi | Support line rates up to 400 Gbps over a single-fiber bidirectional transmission. |
هذا وحدات الإرسال والاستقبال من سيسكو يتكون من عدة سلاسل فرعية: