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Aruba3810 Switch Series

The Aruba 3810 Switch Series provides performance and resiliency for enterprises, SMBs, and branch office networks. With HPE Smart Rate multi-gigabit ports for high speed access points and IoT devices, this advanced Layer 3 network switch delivers a better application experience with low latency, virtualization with resilient stacking technology, and line rate 40GbE for plenty of back haul capacity.

A powerful Aruba ProVision ASIC delivers performance, prise en charge robuste des fonctionnalités, et valeur avec une programmabilité flexible pour les dernières applications. Le 3810 delivers resiliency and scalability via innovative backplane stacking technology and redundant, hot-swappable power supplies all in a convenient 1U form factor. It supports an advanced Layer 2 et 3 feature set with OSPF, IPv6, IPv4 BGP, Dynamique
Segmentation, QoS robuste, and policy-based routing are included with no software licensing.

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