Cisco Aironet 2800 Puntos de acceso de la serie
With the cisco Aironet 2800 Serie, puede proteger a los trabajadores remotos o la micro-oficina. Any Cisco Aironet or Catalyst access point can function as an OfficeExtend Access Point (OEAP). Con una OEAP, un empleado en casa o en una microoficina temporal tendrá acceso al SSID corporativo y a la red corporativa sin necesidad de configurar una VPN ni tener conocimientos técnicos avanzados.
el wifi 6 readiness dashboard is a new dashboard in the Assurance menu of Cisco DNA Center. It will look through the inventory of all devices on the network and verify device, software, and client compatibility with the new Wi-Fi 6 estándar. After upgrading, advanced wireless analytics will indicate performance and capacity gains as a result of the Wi-Fi 6 despliegue. This is an incredible tool that will help your team define where and how the wireless network should be upgraded. It will also give you insights into the access point distribution by protocol (802.11 ac/n/abg), wireless airtime efficiency by protocol, and granular performance metrics
Cisco Aironet 2800 Series Access Points Datasheet
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