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Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Cisco-RouternHäufig gestellte Fragen

Deaktiviert der Schnittstellenunterbefehl no arp arpa das Address Resolution Protocol? (ARP) Funktion für eine Router-Schnittstelle?

By Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) ARP, you mean “Ethernet-Schnittstellen” Und, standardmäßig, ARP ARPA is set with no arpsnap. This means that ARPA style ARPs are sent, but both ARPA and Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP) are answered. By setting no arp arpa, ARP requests are disabled, although null entries are created for every station to which an ARP request is attempted. You can enable SNAP alone, ARPA alone (the default), both SNAP and ARPA together (send two ARPs every time), or neither SNAP nor ARPA (which is what happens if you set no arp arpawithout setting up any other ARP).



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