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EnhancedInteriorGatewayRoutingProtocol(EIGRP)redistributeswiththeIGRPIProutingprotocolautomatically.DoesEIGRPalsointeractwiththeRoutingInformationProtocol(RUHE IN FRIEDEN)IProutingprotocol?

Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Cisco-RouternHäufig gestellte Fragen

Erweitertes Interior Gateway Routing-Protokoll (EIGRP) verteilt sich automatisch mit dem IP-Routing-Protokoll IGRP. Interagiert EIGRP auch mit dem Routing Information Protocol? (RUHE IN FRIEDEN) IP-Routing-Protokoll?

EIGRP can interact with RIP using the redistributecommands. Because RIP and EIGRP are so fundamentally different, automatic interaction would probably produce unpredictable and undesirable results. Jedoch, automatic interaction is possible between EIGRP and IGRP because of their architectural similarities. Refer to Redistributing Routing Protocolsfor more information.



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