ワンストップのインテリジェント IT ソリューション

dw@donewin.com.hk |

How do I verify the features enabled on Nexus 7000 Series Switch with NX-OS 4.2?

Issue the show featurecommand in order to verify.

switch-N7K# show feature
Feature Name          Instance  State
--------------------  --------  --------
tacacs                1         enabled
scheduler             1         enabled
isis                  2         disabled
isis                  3         disabled
isis                  4         disabled
ospf                  1         enabled
ospf                  2         disabled
ospf                  3         無効

switch-N7K# show run | I feature
feature vrrp
feature tacacs+
feature scheduler
feature ospf
feature bgp
feature pim
feature pim6
feature eigrp
feature pbr
feature private-vlan
feature udld
feature interface-vlan
feature netflow
feature hsrp
feature lacp
feature dhcp
feature tunnel





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