How does ZTE ZXR10 5960-32DL switch save bandwidth? 12월 7, 2023 케빈 시스코 스위치 FAQ / FAQ 208 견해 Single multicast traffic can be preferentially forwarded locally to save interconnect bandwidth. 공유하다: 페이스북트위터링크드인왓츠앱핀터레스트이메일 이전: ZTE ZXR10 5960-32DL switch deployment flexible? 다음: In the SAN network, under the premise that the business is stopped normally, the main and standby fiber optic switches are shut down normally at the same time, and then restarted. Will there be any impact on the host operating system and storage system? If there will be file system corruption? 관련된 앗! 연관된 포스트가 없습니다.