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How to use switch Can switch be connected to switch?

Generally speaking, small household switches have only a few interfaces, and its settings are the same as other switches. On the side of the switch, there is a power cord interface, but different device locations may be different, but they are generally on the side. On the front of the switch, there are several indicator lights, through which you can determine whether your network cable is connected successfully. When setting up the switch, connect the power cord first. After more success, there will be an indicator light on the front of the device. To connect the network cable to an interface of the switch, and then connect the device and the computer with the network cable. When connecting, check the indicator light on the front. If a flash indicates that the connection is successful, you must first get a host, set the Internet Protocol Address to, and the IP of the other computers should be in the same network segment as the above, that is, set it to 192.169.0. * (* represents a number below 255). After waiting, open the run and entercmdand then PING command to see if the connection is successful. Endlich, on the machine whose address is, right-click the broadband connection in the computerThen set up the shared network. After it is more successful, the wordsharedwill appear after the broadband connection, so that the use of switch is introduced.



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