원스톱 지능형 IT 솔루션

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시스코 스위치 FAQFAQ

스위치는 사업을 하지 않습니다, 하지만 CPU 사용량이 높습니다., 그것을 해결하는 방법?

Please use the display process cpu command to display the CPU usage information of all processes of the device first. If it is found that the CPU usage of the TMTH process is too high, you can check it in the following ways: The TMTH process is a port training process. If the interface is connected to a network cable or an optical module but there is no device connection at the other end, the device will continuously train the port to be in the up state and occupy the CPU. Please check whether there is an interface where the module and network cable are inserted but the end point is not connected. If so, please manually shutdown these ports first and then use the display cpu-usage command to view the CPU utilization information to ensure that the CPU utilization returns to normal.



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