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ToachievethefunctionofFEC,connectthetwopairsofportsofthetwoswitcheswithtwowiresatthesametime,butfindthateachswitchisalwaysanormalport,andtheotherportshowsaredlight.Isitthefaultoftheswitch'sport?-Soluciones Inteligentes

Preguntas frecuentes sobre los switches de CiscoPreguntas frecuentes

Para lograr la función de FEC, conecte los dos pares de puertos de los dos conmutadores con dos cables al mismo tiempo, pero descubre que cada conmutador es siempre un puerto normal, y el otro puerto muestra una luz roja. ¿Es culpa del puerto del switch??

In general, this situation switch is normal, because the two switches are connected by two ports, so the switch thinks that there is a loop, it automatically breaks one of them, and the corresponding port is Down (the port showing the red light). The solution is to turn on the Spanning tree function (the default is open), and let the switch know that the two ports are FEC functions and are logically one port.



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