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시스코 스위치 FAQFAQ

MSM은 무엇입니까, NFFC, 스위치의 MSFC 및 PFC, 그리고 그 기능은 무엇입니까?

MSM (Multilayer switch module) is a three-layer routing card used on the 6000. The 6Mpps three-layer forwarding capability NFFC is a 5000 series super engine 3.x that adds functions such as IP MLS, IGMP, three-layer filtering and other functions. MSFC 6000 on the super engine 3-layer routing daughter card provides 15Mpps L3 forwarding IP, IPX packet forwarding capability, and cooperates with the PFC card to provide IP multicast capability. The PFC card is used to provide some three-layer functions to the switch such as VLAN access list control and QOS access list. And MSFC is not required to install the PFC card, but PFC must be installed to install MSFC.



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