원스톱 지능형 IT 솔루션

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ACL을 추가하는 경우, 리소스가 부족하다는 메시지가 표시됩니다.. 가능한 이유는 무엇입니까?

Reason 1: The current device has reached the upper limit of ACL resources, please use the display qos-acl resource command to check whether the acl resources are exhausted. If exhausted, please delete useless ACL rules, QoS policies, policy routing and other irrelevant services to ensure that the device has enough memory for ACL additions.

Reason 2: The device has reached the default memory alarm threshold. Please use the display memory command to check the memory usage of the device and free the memory to ensure that there is enough memory space to add ACLs.

Reason 3: Mistakenly configure the memory alarm threshold too low, causing the device to abnormally think that the resource limit has been reached. You can use the display memory-threshold command to view the relevant information of the memory alarm threshold, and use the undo memory-threshold command to restore the default situation of the threshold value to ensure that the remaining memory of the device is not within the threshold alarm range to create acl normally. For the configuration of the device memory alarm threshold, please checkFacility Managementin the product supporting informationBasic Configuration”.



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